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When you do it for 5 Dollars, offer it on And maybe have fun with it.

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Montag, 13. Dezember 2010 / 15:18:57

Bill Liao: Here Comes a Project Economy Revolution

Ever wanted to outsource something really small yet vital to what you are doing for a low price? Ever wanted to get paid for doing something your good at?

Want to have a bit of fun doing it?

The challenge of harnessing peoples passions is that when you you start getting paid serious money to do your passion, your hobby can quickly become your job. Now there is nothing wrong with being paid to do what you love. Its just a balance and if you are forced by money to do the thing you love, you are in fact probably not doing that thing with any love anymore.

Looking into harnessing passions from a customer perspective? Often you want to get access to something fresh new and fun. Perhaps for promotional purposes or wanting to get a new angle on what you are doing. And yet the costs of recruiting agencies and/or staff to experiment often make this kind of activity prohibitive.

While there are many market places for talent and for people and services and of course goods, there are relatively few simple ones and none that cap the risk of the costs of your efforts. Into this confusion comes what I think is one of the most brilliant innovations I have seen in a long time:

Fiverr is a cross between, and twitter and is predicated on the simplest premise which is anyone can buy of sell anything for US $ 5.-- or a fiver. The service is far from perfect it only works in USD and the search and directory components are difficult to use yet the principle and a lot of the implementation is simply wonderful and the overall effect is very compelling.

For fifty US Dollars you can buy ten people doing short video's promoting you product and by putting all that on You Tube you would stand a very good chance of increasing your sites traffic. I have experimented with the system and found it to be pretty robust and the offers to generally be excellent and fun if a little quirky.

I see that Fiverr or a site like it will become the future of work for some people and will reduce the barriers to entry for an entirely new kind of commerce and release a flood of project economy workm where people work for themselves in service of collaborative efforts.

If Fiverr can fix its organizational efforts, then it will be a force for change in the way people think about work.

et (Quelle: sda)
Links zum Artikel:

  • Bill Liaos Reforestation-Campaign
    Bill Liaos campaign to fight climate-change with reforestation.
  • Bill Liaos Business-Philosophy
    Excerpts from Bill Liaos Book on his Business-Philosophy
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