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«Red Shirts», waiting for the king to take a stand

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Montag, 3. Mai 2010 / 11:27:11

English Column: «High Noon» for the Thai Monarchy?

In Thailand the time is ripe for the King to intervene. It is time to dissolve Parliament and call new elections.

The last Elections, which the «Red Shirts» won, have been stolen from them twice.

The King, the moral authority in Thailand, is reportedly «hiding» in a Hospital, not available for interviews, and does not intervene. Some reports suggest that he is in quite good shape. The «Red Shirts» are disappointed that the King does not take a stand.

The Government , supported by the Queen(Sirigit), know that, if elections are called the «Red Shirts» will win.

There is no sign of yielding on either side. It is a battle between the rich and the poor. The gap is huge. It goes beyond Thaksin this time.

The army is split, the officers on the side of the «rich», and the soldiers on the side of the poor. So far there have been about 27 deaths. Maybe there is another army-led «coup» in the offing.

Failure to act by the King now, could raise the (until recently unthinkable) question «Why do we need a King?» and start to undermine the constitutional monarchy in Thailand, particularly as his son is , according to our source, not widely popular.

Peter Graham Lancashire (Quelle:

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Foto: hpgruesen (Pixabay License)


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